facebookHow to buy insurance without getting harassed to invest? + what's the best and most straightforward insurance out there? - Seedly



08 Jan 2025



How to buy insurance without getting harassed to invest? + what's the best and most straightforward insurance out there?

Reach out to several agents for personal accident insurance and life insurance, read the plans online already. I say what plan I want, but the meeting always becomes 1hour plus 'eh u also need to invest in this, it's good for you'


when i say i dont want, get endless call and message to 'schedule follow up meeting for your investment plan'. this is just stupid n stressful. what's the best and most straightforward insurance out there? pls!!

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Hello there, I am an advisor and maybe I can help.


As advisors, we listen to your needs and help you fill your needs. I understand where you are coming from when you say you are not into investing but they keep pushing it.


We must always take into consideration the situation as well as the needs of the person. I understand after this experience you may never want to speak with another agent ever again but it is always good to seek a second opinion.


Remember this: Agents must always put the best interests of the people first.

Just get what you feel you want.


20 Jan 2025

Project Consultant at -

Maybe do your own research and be very direct on what you need and if they offer something you don't need, just say no and tell them it isn't aligned with your needs.

Insurance is protection rather than investment. Buy online...

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