facebookHow much sum assured to consider for a multipay CI plan if I earn $60k/year (excluding bonuses) and already have $300k CI/ECI Life Plan? - Seedly


24 Jul 2020


How much sum assured to consider for a multipay CI plan if I earn $60k/year (excluding bonuses) and already have $300k CI/ECI Life Plan?

I am 28 ANB and the multipay plans seriously sounds very tempting. Should I even consider having a multipay CI plan? I haven't worked my budget out but I am confident I can make things work if I need to fork out another few thousands for this/year. TIA!

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Add them in if you have the budget and concerns, you are sufficiently covered. Add in more death and disbaility coverage via a term plan.

Duane Cheng

23 Jul 2020

Financial Consultant at Prudential Assurance Company Singapore

Hi there,

In my opinion, if you already have a WLP with CI coverage, you are sufficiently covered as of now. If you are getting another CI policy with the same company, do note that due to policy aggregation, you might not be able to buy in due to ECI coverage limits. You will need to check with your current financial consultant whether its still possible.

As it stands if you get higher CI coverage today to buffer for future increase in your salary, it might be feasible if the finances work on your end. Personally i would hold off spending this money today, and increase my CI coverage in the future when there is a significant difference in my income.

Any spare resource you have, allocated to investments or savings, would do better for you at this point. If not increasing your emergency funds is also a viable idea.

Hope i was able to address your questions! Have a great weekend ahead!

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