facebookHow much money (assets, savings etc.) would you aim/want to have before you retire? - Seedly


14 Sep 2020



How much money (assets, savings etc.) would you aim/want to have before you retire?

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Aiming for $1m in investment that generates me about 5% of returns for my spending(taking into consideration of inflation) with about $300k in CPF SA :)

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Iโ€™d say about $2M for a couple with no kids (ie $1M per person). Of course, someone elseโ€™s number could be more or could be less..

Iโ€™d break it down into 3 categories

1) Housing โ€” ~$400k
Paid off 3-4 room HDB flat โ€” letโ€™s assume this was purchased at $400k

2) Investments to generate passive income for living expenses โ€” $1.25M
Each person has reasonable spending: say $2,000 per person per month โ€” this translates to ~$50k per year. Using the 25x annual spending rule (or equivalently the 4% safe withdrawal rate)โ€”> this translates to $1.25M

3) An additional safety buffer in CPF โ€” ~$400k
This is to hedge against longevity risk since the 4% rule is tested for 30 year periods. I would do this by maxing out my CPF SA to the FRS (currently $181k)

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Alcander Seow

07 Sep 2020

Environmental Engineer Minor in Business at Nanyang Technological University

Hi, personally, I would like to have multiple sources of passive income to sustain my retirement. Ma...

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