facebookHow much does a couple's combined income be if they want to have 2 kids comfortably? - Seedly



04 Dec 2019


How much does a couple's combined income be if they want to have 2 kids comfortably?

Please try not to give vague answers without actual figures... would like to hear what is everyone's personal salary benchmark for them to start their own family.

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Hariz Arthur Maloy

04 Dec 2019

Independent Financial Advisor at Promiseland Independent

If the household can save 40-60% of their income, they can afford to have 1 or 2 kids.

And I'd recommend to have at least 6k combined monthly household income before considering.

After having kids, the family still needs to be able to save 20% for their own retirement and 5% for their children's education.

This is very subjective as it depends on your expenses. If monthly expenses is 5k,combined income of 10k is comfortable for me.

Pang Zhe Liang

04 Dec 2019

Lead of Research & Solutions at Havend Pte Ltd

It depends on your expectation and lifestyle. With proper cashflow analysis and proper financial pla...

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