facebookHow many of you guys here actually use the Seedly app to track your expenses? If you are using it, what are it's pros and cons? If not, why not? - Seedly



31 Jul 2020

Saving Hacks

How many of you guys here actually use the Seedly app to track your expenses? If you are using it, what are it's pros and cons? If not, why not?

Discussion (1)

What are your thoughts?

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I just started using for a month.


1) Nice UI

2) Shows your monthly expenses once logged in

3) Has various types of built-in transaction types accompanied by well design icons


1) No biometric login. Need to use email and password every login

2) Some types of transaction types not available that I would like to see such as: bank interest, card cashback or transfers from one account to another since these are fairly common

3) Have to manually input transactions for DBS and Standard Chartered

4) Cannot track investments. I usually manually input the value of my assets. It'll be nice if these inputs can be represented by a graph.

Overall, I think it meets expectations.

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