facebookHow long-term is long term supposed to be? - Seedly



09 Feb 2020


General Investing

How long-term is long term supposed to be?

People always say that you should look at the long-term growth of a stock/company. I'm just wondering that this a really vague term and how does one determine what "long-term" is supposed to mean? is it the same for everyone like 10-20 years?

SeedlyTV S1E01

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Long-term: invest in a great company until its not great

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5, but ideally more than 10 years.

but definition is completely arbitrary.

Hariz Arthur Maloy

27 Mar 2019

Independent Financial Advisor at Promiseland Independent

As long as possible. But a good gauge is a minimum of 10 years. Shorter than that and you can experi...

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