facebookHow do you purchase your groceries? Do share tips and tricks. - Seedly



25 Jul 2024



How do you purchase your groceries? Do share tips and tricks.

Hi there, is there any hacks or ways you purchase your groceries (food, washing detergent etc.)?

E.g. accumulated min. spend to get free delivery

buy across different platform

utilize discounts (platform/senior)


Discussion (14)

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Primarily using CDC voucher now.

Fairprice buy on thursday (usually promo out on Thurs). Actually if cost compare Redmart (Lazada) and Shopee some items cheaper than fairprice. Like others said - buy in bulk (for items that can store) is beneficial/cost-saving.

Use credit card for groceries shopping. Look out for discounts and buy in bulk during the discount period (for the non-perisable).

Earn vouchers from surveys/ seedly. buy brands with promotions

Senior discount - buy groceries with a senior citizen on discount days...

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