facebookHow do i rent or lease vending machines in CBD to sell chilled non-halal double boiled soup to office workers? Anyone know any vendors i can approach and rough estimates on the cost of rental please? - Seedly


22 Apr 2021


How do i rent or lease vending machines in CBD to sell chilled non-halal double boiled soup to office workers? Anyone know any vendors i can approach and rough estimates on the cost of rental please?

Ready-to-drink soups:
Black chicken soup - Red dates, Chinese yam, black chicken .
Snow pear soup - pork , snow pear , apricot seeds
Double melon soup - 4 meatball, black fungus. Pork base , water melon ring and winter melon.
Qi tonic chicken soup - 1 chicken leg and 1 fresh fig, 2 slice of Chinese yam, American ginseng

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In my opinion, it will be better if you sell other things through vending machine. Finger food, snacks like pizzas will be better than soup. And does your vending machine comes with heating?

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