facebookHow do I fulfil the UOB one account interests criteria? I'm self-employed with no salary credited into my account & I do not have the UOB one card as well.? - Seedly



17 Jul 2019

Saving Hacks

How do I fulfil the UOB one account interests criteria? I'm self-employed with no salary credited into my account & I do not have the UOB one card as well.?

I do not have the UOB one card though as it requires me to have a min of $3k salary.
How do i fulfill the UOB one interest criteria?
I believe for me to hit the highest interests, there's 2 criterias.
-Meet card spend of $500 monthly
-Make 3 giro debit transactions

Can anyone give me examples of giro debit transactions that I can do?
On the criteria of spending $500 monthly, does that mean i qualify as long as i pay a total of $500 with my card such as dining out, movies, shopping?

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Card spend can be via debit card as well.

Criteria of $500 is spending on anything other than what is stated in their exclusion list

https://www.uob.com.sg/web-resources/personal/p... (refer to pg25)

Giro transactions can be income tax, property tax, mobile bills, town council bill, utilities bill, charity etc

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