facebookHow do I build a credit score as an expat in Singapore? I own multiple credit cards and pay all bills in full before the due date, but still don't have a credit score according to CBS. Any idea why? - Seedly



20 May 2020

Credit Cards

How do I build a credit score as an expat in Singapore? I own multiple credit cards and pay all bills in full before the due date, but still don't have a credit score according to CBS. Any idea why?

For more context: I recently bought my credit report from CBS (I was curious), and it says I have no credit history, and therefore no credit score. This is strange, considering I've been using multiple CCs (the oldest one for >1 yr) and have zero outstanding bills. I don't foresee needing a loan anytime soon, but also understand a good credit score wouldn't hurt :) Is there anything I need to do for my CC bill payments to count towards building my credit score?

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Are your credit cards issued by banks in SG? Are the cards you mentioned debit cards instead of credit? Or is there a mismatch in type of identification used (banks use passport number while CBS use FIN)? The clearest way to find out is to contact CBS directly. (Actually, owning multiple credit facilities lowers the credit score since it suggests the person is credit hungry.)

Based on what you have listed, it does suggest there should be some credit score since you have owned the credit cards for more than 6 months. If the response from CBS is unsatisfatory, you can request for an investigation. If you are not satisfied with the investigation report, you can request for the Compliance Committe too look into it. ​​​

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