facebookHow can I diversify my investment portfolio better? - Seedly


15 Oct 2020


How can I diversify my investment portfolio better?

I am 23 and a total newbie in investment, bought my first few stocks few days ago for long-term (mostly in tech & e-com- all in US market). Need help and advice on how can I do better in diversifying (furthermore during this uncertain time in the US)?

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15 Oct 2020

Life Alchemist at School of Hard Knocks

An option you may want to consider is to use pyinvesting.com to pick the stocks (there's a 30-day free trial).

Based on what I understand from a webinar that I attended, is you can achieve great returns by choosing the top 15 or 20 stocks, for example, in the US market.

It uses financial data and backtesting to create your own robo-advisor. Pretty cool, eh?


If I remember correctly, it gives you weekly or monthly data and you can rebalance accordingly.

You can consider to diversify in this way.

Personally, I only have five stocks: 1 cybersecurity, 1 battery technology, 1 edge computing, 1 ecommerce, and 1 gaming.

I'm also all in tech.

I have conviction in the growth of the companies that I hold, so I don't plan to diversify but I do stalk them especially news and quarterly earning calls to review how they are doing.

If you have conviction, you can get some more on the dip, like today, after you do the valuation on the companies.

Do make sure you're not overpaying them, even tho' they may be great businesses yah.

Lin Yun Heng

15 Oct 2020

Senior Analyst at Delphi

I think you should buid up your knowledge first before doing anything else further. I highly recommend One up on wall street by peter lynch!

Hi there,

Diversification is an interesting topic. Different professionals and people will tell you...

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