facebookHow can an 18 year old apply for the DBS Live fresh student card when its age eligibility is 21 years old? - Seedly


How can an 18 year old apply for the DBS Live fresh student card when its age eligibility is 21 years old?

How do I, an 18 year old, apply for the DBS Live fresh student card when its age eligibility is 21 years old? I tried applying online but it doesn’t allow me?

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15 Jan 2021

Founder at thefrugalstudent.com

Hi Jack,

Not sure if you're still pondering over this.

As Jesslyn has mentioned, if the bank has set the age requirement to be 21, then you have no other option than to wait until you turn 21.

Is there a specific reason you want to use the DBS Live Fresh student card?

If not, there are other student credit card options that you can consider at the age of 18:

  1. Citi Clear Visa


  3. Standard Chartered Manhattan 500

Hope this helps!



Not possible, will have to wait till you're 21 years old. no alternative or shortcut to go around th...

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