facebookHi! Im looking for private driving instructor, does anyone have one to recommend? I also read online that alot suggest to go school & are against going private instr route. Wondering why? Thanks!! - Seedly



13 Jun 2024



Hi! Im looking for private driving instructor, does anyone have one to recommend? I also read online that alot suggest to go school & are against going private instr route. Wondering why? Thanks!!

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Everyone is suggesting school because it's hard to judge a private instructor's standard unless have gone through a few lessons

School instuctors have amore structured lesson plan to follow than private school so it may be easier for you to pass too

The instructor wants to make sure you comprehend what you need to know in order to pass the test. Additionally, there are variations. final grade calculator

School is better because they won't send you to practical test if they think you can't pass. So you ...

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