facebookHi! I am in mid 30s, can hold long term, aim is to grow wealth. Any suggestions / advice to below will be v much appreciated! 1) im starting $1500 DCA monthly to S&P500 and im choosing CSPX (Cont’d..) - Seedly



Edited 23 Jun 2024

General Investing

Hi! I am in mid 30s, can hold long term, aim is to grow wealth. Any suggestions / advice to below will be v much appreciated! 1) im starting $1500 DCA monthly to S&P500 and im choosing CSPX (Cont’d..)

Hi! I am in mid 30s, can hold long term, aim is to grow wealth. Any suggestions / advice to below will be v much appreciated! 1) im starting about $1200 DCA monthly to S&P500 and im choosing CSPX as Irish domiciled so lesser withholding tax (or would you suggest other ETFs?)

2) keen to start accumulating dividends, should I look at building a SG stocks portfolio (local banks and/or SREITS?) ? Any advice? Or articles you feel helpful to take a look?

do you guys use IBKR for sg stocks too?

3) am using IBKR for my trades. USD has been around 1.35 onwards. Any ways to get better exchange rates / shld I wait till it drop to 1.34 range to change USD?

4) any other tips or recommendation will be much appreciated!!

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08 Jul 2024

Own time own target at Self Employed

S-reits, banks. US index ETF

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Moderate To High - risk : Moo - Moo syfe...

1) I think CSPX is good choice for long term investment

2) You can consider both banks and S-REITS....

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