facebookHello! What roboadvisor would your recommend for beginner investment of just $100 a month? Since platforms tends to have so many fees involved, which platform would be better to maximise returns? - Seedly



11 Dec 2020

General Investing

Hello! What roboadvisor would your recommend for beginner investment of just $100 a month? Since platforms tends to have so many fees involved, which platform would be better to maximise returns?

I am currently an undergraduate student who's a complete beginner to investment - I have saved my allowance from my university scholarship and want to start investing $100 per month. How do I go about choosing a robo-advisor that will maximise returns?

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If you’re looking for a platform with lower fees, Syfe over Stashaway. If you can handle fluctuations in your profile, I recommend Syfe’s Equity100.

Stashaway and/or Syfe

They are the only 2 robos i know which allows $100/month investment. (or even...

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