facebookHas anyone heard of FundSmith? What are your thoughts? - Seedly


20 Jun 2020


General Investing

Has anyone heard of FundSmith? What are your thoughts?

Please advise!

Discussion (4)

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I answered a similar question a while back.


my views have not changed.

short answer: I like the fund, but could not find a trusted platform with decent fees to buy into.

hope this helps.

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On the one hand the current track record (5 years) seems super and their proposed strategy (longterm, growth stocks) also attractive,sure enough however:

-with more than 1.0% annual fees it is still expensive by todays standards -it comprises a majority of tech sector stocks so the benchmark (international equity) depicted in the fundprospect's chart is flawed -it is potentially underdiversified (only 28 holdings) so maybe good luck by picking some really superperforming stocks could have led to it's hitherto excellent performance

I add a 5 year Chart where we can see that the T class non-accumultating outperformed the U.S. SP500 Growth ETF but underperformed compared to the large & cheap tech ETF VGT

... then, given all the evidence by studies, i doubt that (for stocks) active management has still it's place ...โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹

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Hariz Arthur Maloy

13 Feb 2020

Independent Financial Advisor at Promiseland Independent

Fundsmith Equity is available via Investment Linked Platforms. The cheapest way to purchase it would...

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