facebookFrom a financial perspective, is travelling overseas for vacation considered a ' waste of money '? - Seedly


16 Jan 2024



From a financial perspective, is travelling overseas for vacation considered a ' waste of money '?

How would you view this? This is especially so if one is trying to save to hit certain financial milestones.

Discussion (48)

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Financial ofc yes unless ur making money from that vacation ie sell photos or travelfluencer. spiritually mayb u connecting with world frens family

Travelling is valuable for exposure to the different culture and sights that make up our world. If costs is your main concern, with careful planning, savvy choices, and a willingness to embrace unconventional options, you can have an enriching and memorable journey without straining your finances.

You can refer to this guide for planning your trip that keeps within your budget

Well, it is a waste of money if you book an expensive tour group. if diy-ing and learning live skills along the way, with introspective done on your life, and while observing others, then I will say it is a great way of broadening horizons.

Depends on priorities

travel to reset ur mindset


or chiong until can retired early

Don't get beat down by it. Travelling can be a way to heal your mental health sometimes, but not exc...

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