facebookDo your parents still take Covid Vaccination? - Seedly


Ash Lee

02 Sep 2024


Do your parents still take Covid Vaccination?

My parents took the first three compulsory jabs but I'm unsure whether to let them take the booster jab now. They're old and fragile so I'm worried for their health.

With all the "fake news" going around it's hard to tell if it's really safe to get vaccinated or is it really better to take vaccine for the elderly.

Especially since they have a recent history of stroke. Doctors said its safe but I just want to know the experiences of average people like you guys.

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My parents dont take the optional doses as they felt very weak after the compulsory doses. However, I think it would be wise to ask them to consult their family doctor to see if they should take it or not. Covid is not as prevalent these days so maybe the risk is not as high. Perhaps the usual flu vaccine is more important these days.

Not necessary anymore...

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