Let's do the math and let's be a little conservative here.
Let's say your monthly expenses are 2k/mth or 24k/yr. This has to come from a recurring passive source of income so you can start living without working.
Let's also assume you start saving and investing at 25.
And lastly, assume a 4% p.a rate of return throughout.
To have a 24k/yr passive income, you need a 600k portfolio.
Now, you have 15 years to generate a 600k portfolio.
This means every year, you have to invest 30k/yr or 2.5k/mth for 15 years.
If we up the investment rate of return to 6%, you'll need just a 400k portfolio and then invest 17.2k/yr for 15 years.
So if you can save about 1.5-2.5k per month, and achieve a constant 4-6% p.a return for a lifetime, then sure, you can be financially free in 15 years.
One thing you have to note of course is that you still need your portfolio to adjust for infaltion. But since inflation is a guesstimate, I didn't account for it in this scenario.
Let's do the math and let's be a little conservative here.
Let's say your monthly expenses are 2k/mth or 24k/yr. This has to come from a recurring passive source of income so you can start living without working.
Let's also assume you start saving and investing at 25.
And lastly, assume a 4% p.a rate of return throughout.
To have a 24k/yr passive income, you need a 600k portfolio.
Now, you have 15 years to generate a 600k portfolio.
This means every year, you have to invest 30k/yr or 2.5k/mth for 15 years.
If we up the investment rate of return to 6%, you'll need just a 400k portfolio and then invest 17.2k/yr for 15 years.
So if you can save about 1.5-2.5k per month, and achieve a constant 4-6% p.a return for a lifetime, then sure, you can be financially free in 15 years.
One thing you have to note of course is that you still need your portfolio to adjust for infaltion. But since inflation is a guesstimate, I didn't account for it in this scenario.