facebookDo you blame your parents if they are not financially savvy? - Seedly


20 Apr 2021



Do you blame your parents if they are not financially savvy?

What are the way(s) to get around these?

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20 Apr 2021

Owner and Writer at Tortoisemoney.com

Just my 2c. Everyone's family and financial situations are different so the answer is definitely not a one size fits all.

I would say back in the day, being financially savvy was much harder. Information was much harder to come by. After all, the internet didn't become so ubiquitous until in the 2000s and only really everywhere when smartphones and data plans became a thing in 2008-2010. Even if they had access to the internet, information wasn't as plentiful. Forums like Seedly didn't exist to help people find their way in the world of adulting.

Sure, they could've just jumped into housing like many did (and many did succeed). But for many who succeeded, there are others who failed. The aftermath of 2008 hit many pretty hard, especially those who struggled to pay off multiple mortgages when they were retrenched.

At the end of the day, (most) parents want the best for their children. And often this can be achieved only with a certain level of affluence. If they have tried their best with what they knew at that point in time, I think we should be grateful for what they have given to us and how they have provided for us thus far.

If you're struggling with such thoughts, I would think it is likely because you inadvertedly compared your own financial situation with a peer, perhaps someone whose parents paid for their uni education, allowing them to graduate with no debt. But at the end of the day, comparison, really, is the thief of joy. No matter how wealthy you are, there's probably a family richer than you (unless ofc you're the richest lol). Focus on what you have instead of what you don't. Focus on what your parents gave to you, rather than what they had failed in.

And if it really bothers you that much, make sure you're more financially savvy then they were. If you're in the sandwich generation, make sure that your kids aren't. Plan for yourself financially so that you can set your kids up to be financially savvy too.

Ok, this went on much longer than I expected haha I hope this helped you to find some clarity in your thoughts and to better handle the hand that you've been dealt. All the best, you got this :-)​​​

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