facebookCpf education loan - Seedly



05 Apr 2024



Cpf education loan

Can I use 3rd party (cardup, ipaymy) apps to pay my monthly cpf education loan instalment (eg $530/mth) to CPF? If yes, how so? I have a prvi visa to earned miles.

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You can use third-party apps like CardUp or ipaymy to pay your monthly CPF education loan instalments. You can link your PRVI Visa to these apps to make the payments and earn miles at the same time. Each app will have its own specific process for setting up the payment, so you may need to create an account, link your credit card, and then set up the recurring payment for your CPF education loan instalment.

Alternatively, you can take a look at other credit cards that can help you earn miles while paying off your educaiton loan instalments

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