facebookCan we withdraw the amount above FRS from the CPF retirement sum at age 65 just before the CPF Life monthly payout starts? - Seedly



31 Mar 2021



Can we withdraw the amount above FRS from the CPF retirement sum at age 65 just before the CPF Life monthly payout starts?

Or must it be done at age 55? I thought of doing a monthly top up to my CPF SA and thereafter RA till age 65, and withdraw lump sum the amount above the FRS just before CPF Life starts.

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Hariz Arthur Maloy

31 Mar 2021

Independent Financial Advisor at Promiseland Independent

Top ups to SA via RSTU are not allowed to be withdrawn as a lumpsum at all. These top ups are reserved specifically for CPF Life.

However, Voluntary Contributions do not have this issue.

Also note that the amount you can withraw would be the balance in OA and SA after RA is formed. And this can be done anytime after 55.

You have the option to specifically withdraw 20% of your RA balance before CPF Life starts at 65 but again not monies topped up via RSTU.

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