facebookCan anyone share their experience with Syfe Cash+ account? - Seedly



14 Feb 2021


Can anyone share their experience with Syfe Cash+ account?

I am looking into putting some extra cash into the Syfe Cash+ account but have a few questions.

-How are the returns paid back to you?
-It states that "Returns on your Cash+ portfolio are accrued daily" meaning everyday, you take xxx amount you deposited multiply by the stated '1.75%' and that is the return you will get daily?

Am I getting this calculation correct?

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14 Feb 2021

Founder at thefrugalstudent.com

Hi Anon,

I don't personally use Syfe Cash+, but regarding your question on the calculation of returns, I believe what it means by daily accruals is simply that you will earn returns everyday, instead of only every month or every year.

For example, if you have $10k in the portfolio, you will earn (10000*1.75%/365) of returns everyday. So you don't have to wait for a set amount of time before you start earning returns.

However, do take note that neither the returns from Syfe Cash+ nor your capital are guaranteed. While it is a relatively safe investment, do make sure that you are aware of the risks involved.

Hope this helps!


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