facebookBest moon cake lobangs? where do you get your mooncakes? - Seedly


Gabriel Tham

Tag Team Member at Kenichi Tag Team

17 Aug 2022



Best moon cake lobangs? where do you get your mooncakes?

Best moon cake lobangs? where do you get your mooncakes?

Discussion (4)

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Mooncake lobang is all about time. now still consider early bird promotion, and that is when it is the cheapest. i get my mooncake from company offers.


18 Aug 2022

Development & Acquisitions Manager at Real Estate Private Equity

Atrium sales / pop-up events are a good avenue too


18 Aug 2022

Founder at Made By Underscore

For hotel/restaurant's mooncake, I always google something like "best mooncake deals 2022" and go in...

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