facebookAs a university freshman, I set aside 20k in a savings account (Jumpstart) and have about 10k in investments (Blue Chips and Robo Advisors) and about 13k more rotting in the bank, Any advice? - Seedly


12 May 2020


As a university freshman, I set aside 20k in a savings account (Jumpstart) and have about 10k in investments (Blue Chips and Robo Advisors) and about 13k more rotting in the bank, Any advice?

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12 May 2020

Manager at Board

Now is the good time to pump some investment into etf. the 13k just put back saving cos investment now while it is golden but still uncertain. So more into savings.

As others have mentioned, do more reading and get more knowledge. Then put that 13k into the market together with your 10k.

Since you already got 20k in SCB, that will be sufficient for your emergency funds now. And good thing is that SCB can withdraw anytime so wont be a problem.

Start reading up on how you can invest! But do not rush into it.

In the meantime, you might want to open another high interest yield savings accounts deposit your remaining money there. So that you can always withdraw the money if you decid to start investing one day! One account you can consider is Singlife account and deposit $10k there. The interest rate is 2.5% for the first 10k!

You can look into increasing your financial literacy first! Learn how to budget better and manage your finances well. That is fundamental.

Next, evaluate your current financial situation at home and how much risk you can take. Then, you can evaluate your current portfolio to see if any changes are needed.


07 May 2020

Blogger at diaperfinancingfund.blogspot.com

I sense that you feel impatient in regards to the $13k lying around in the bank account and not gene...

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