facebookAre you actually more productive during WFH? Would you want to continue WFH five days/week even after phase 3? - Seedly


01 Sep 2020


Are you actually more productive during WFH? Would you want to continue WFH five days/week even after phase 3?

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Shania Loh

01 Sep 2020

Seedly Student Ambassador 2020/21 at Seedly

Hi Anon! I was working from home during my 6 month internship for the first half of the yar and I must say I have been more productive. With more time on hand since there is no commuting, I get to have more spare time to do things that I love - exercising, baking/cooking and learnig new things on top of my job. Working from home keeps me more productive despite having some distractions at home as I can always take a short breather before continuing with my work. One of the biggest cons though, is that there is no clear distinction as to when work starts and ends.

Personally, I would want to continue WFH in the future but not necessarily 5 days/week, Ideally, I would want a 3 day wfh week and 2 days in the office. This changes things up a bit and helps me (and hopefully other employees) productive too!

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Student here. ALOT more productive at home but recently uni has transited to in person class for < 50 cough cough not gonna name which uni.. but a bad move indeed because some of us have classes that are a mix of in person and also zoom. so end up we started zooming around places in school instead. made the school more crowded.

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