facebookAny thoughts on Oatly as an investment? Just wondering who drinks oat milk more than normal milk here? - Seedly



Edited 17 Aug 2021

General Investing

Any thoughts on Oatly as an investment? Just wondering who drinks oat milk more than normal milk here?

Are you team Oat Milk 🌱 or team Dairy Milk 🐮?


Discussion (3)

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Don’t know about their stock but their ice cream dam overpriced sia

Is an unprofitable buisness. Normally, i'll stop there and wont go any further detail, because there are alot of other great profitable buisness to invest wont waste time on unprofitable buisness.

Over price

9B market cap, 447 mil revenue 20x

No moat

i can see alot of competitor will spring out on the supermarket shelve.

Questionable buisness model

Entire global oat worth $5Billion 2020. Oatly got 600billion addressable market?

i can either use $5billion to buy 55% of Oatly Or use $5 billion to buy the entire global oat and corner them to give me 90% of their company else i wont give them oat to make any milk.


Questionable accounting- overstating profit margin


Insane price + insane projection. High risk , low return investment.


No opinions of investing in oatly specificially. i will analyse it as i would any other company.


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