facebookAIA newly launched multi stage critical protector - Yay or Nay? 34, F - Seedly


06 Aug 2021


AIA newly launched multi stage critical protector - Yay or Nay? 34, F


Discussion (4)

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Elijah Lee

26 Aug 2021

Senior Financial Services Manager at Phillip Securities (Jurong East)

Hi anon,

The coverage is limited to only 6 conditions and thus the premiums are going to be lower than that of CI plans that will cover the full list of standard CI.

I guess the reason why it was named 'critical protector' is due to the severity and incidence of these 6 CIs, which is common, and multi stage was used in the naming as it covers various stages from early to late, but it is definitely NOT multi-payout.

As is the case with practically all CI plans, premiums are generally level but not guaranteed and the insurer has the right to adjust based on claims experience; take the 'premiums do not increase' bit with a grain of salt.

Not that it's a bad plan, but I would focus on cover for the 37 CI and ECI first, and this may be a top up after I have settled my main coverage, and only if I still have specific concerns on the 6 CI covered (e.g. if there is a family history)

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Just briefly looked through the brochure. three things stood out which i do not like:

  1. only covers 6 illness instead of the standard 37. not sure why
  2. plan name multistage, but there is only one lump sum payout. misleading
  3. advertised as premiums do not increase, but fine note says premiums may change.

perhaps other insurance experts can shed more light on this.

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