facebookAdvice for 25f, living alone - Seedly



26 Feb 2024


Advice for 25f, living alone

Hi all, i recently graduated from a local uni last year and have started my first (proper) full-time role as an exec. i'm earning abt 3.2k aft cpf.

i grew up muslim, but i no longer want to practice it, so i have moved out of the household for my own SAFETY and am currently renting a room on my own. haven't had a good r/s with my parents -- they've never really been there for me financially/emotionally. (i stopped taking an allowance when i was in poly, 16 and have survived on bursaries + working my ass off in PT jobs in poly and uni).

sad that rent is taking up quite a significant portion of my income, so i've been trying to find some side hustles to grow my savings faster. any suggestions that you'd have for someone in my circumstance?

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To grow one's savings, the lowest hanging fruit would be to cut down on expenses. Once you can keep to your budget (+/- 5%), look at how much time you could spare without compromising on the rest time (remember, you still need to maintain your primary income source). Next, think hard what are you good at or have a keen interest in. Explore legit hustles along that line then.

Anyway, admire your courage! Stay strong.

Yeah i agree you should focus on your career given that its your proper job. can you cut down on ur expenses? perhaps rental in a not so prime location/ abit further from mrt etc.?

Focus on building up your skillset and your income. Start grinding and grind harder for the next 5 years. Do the hard work first. The only way is through. Use your PAIN to discipline and drive yourself to success.

Set financial goal and work towards it. Say save up $xx amount for hdb by 35yo, or own a small condo by age 30.

Take care and all the best to you. You stay strong! If you have the courage, go for an overseas work...

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