facebookReview of my portfolio (December 2021) - Seedly




Review of my portfolio (December 2021)

Portfolio review.

Review of my portfolio (14/12/2021)

  • Total portfolio gain +13.6% (US+SG/UT+China) excluding dividend recieved
  • The US portfolio had underperformed $SPY by ~6% (since Feb 2021)
  • China stocks down -45%.
  • SG stock ~+8%

  • Although, i have currently underperformed but i believe the technology are going to outperform the index over the long term.

  • Currently, the ETF like QQQ, SPY are all heavy weighted into the big tech. Thus if you are stock picking and you are not invested in these big tech it will be very difficult for you to outperform the market.

  • The best market performance this year is GOOGL which gain 70% and the worst performer is AMZN +9%, while SPY gain +27%

  • China stocks are really painful to watch, but i not selling it yet, as i believe after US and china had workout the issue everything will be back to normal.

  • The month of December is not friendly, in all market, US & SG are all currently going through a correction, this also provide lot of buying opportunities.


  • Total dividend recieved since Jan 2021, Approx. SGD$3,330. Target for next year will be $6k.


  • This month sell off created good buying opportunities.
  • My pick: Amzn, googl, paypal and fb is currently at great valuation (based on 10 years DCF model)
  • BABA valuation are very attractive now. However, i will not enter yet as the trend had not stagnent or reversed.

Previous Portfolio Review



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