facebookReview of my portfolio (September 2021) - Seedly




Review of my portfolio (September 2021)

Review of portfolio and plan.

Review of my portfolio (08/09/2021)

Did not add much to US stock pass 1 month except a small position in Facebook. Still feel US is too expensive now, relatively to China and SG market. Being adding positions in china and SG market. Feeling that investors had get used to the CCP regime or the last paper hand had sold, there maybe a reversal? But i dont expect it to recover so soon, should have plenty more time to add, hopefully.


People always say "the only constant is change", but i would say "the only constant is SG market" 🤣

What Next?

I will keep on buying into china and SG a next few month. Maybe abit more Facebook when the price “wave down” to build more position, althought still feel expensive. Google continue to rocket among the MAGAF stocks. Amzn still lacking far far behind. The rest of the brothers just doing ok.

For my sg dividend portfolio, had hit my target $2k for this year. Will continue to buy more to build up passive income. Target for end of 2022 to receive dividend: $4k. Will be focus on higher income yielding Reits and unit trusts.

Have this idea of building a weekly dividend portfolio by staggering the monthly payout unit trust, but so far only shortlisted 2 suitable fund, still sourcing and weighing risk & reward.

Previous update 18/07/2021



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