facebookSingapore Public Holidays 2024 & Long Weekend Guide: Take 6 Days of Leave for 27 Days off Work!



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Singapore Public Holidays 2024 & Long Weekend Guide: Take 6 Days of Leave for 27 Days off Work!

profileJoel Koh

As much as I enjoy my work.

All work and no play make me a dull boy.

Nothing beats the joy of public holidays and taking a good break.

MOM Public Holidays 2024

This is why you’ll be glad to know that according to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) Singapore’s public holidays’ list, there’ll be 11 public holidays and five loooooong weekends in 2024.

Want to make full use of the holidays?

I’ve figured out a way to take just six days of leave to enjoy a grand total of:


TL;DR: Singapore Holiday 2024 & Long Weekend Guide

2024 Public Holidays Singapore MOM Guide: Click to Teleport

Public Holiday 2024 Singapore Calendar: How Many Public Holidays Are There in Singapore?

Before we deep dive into how to maximise your public holidays in 2024, it’ll be good to know that Singapore has 11 public holidays a year as follows:

Date Day Holiday image Holiday name
1 Jan 2024 Monday New Year’s Day
10 Feb 2024
11 Feb 2024
Chinese New Year

Monday, 12 Feb 2024, will be a public holiday.

29 Mar 2024 Friday Good Friday
10 Apr 2024 Wednesday Hari Raya Puasa
1 May 2024 Wednesday Labour Day
22 May 2024 Wednesday Vesak Day
17 Jun 2024 Monday Hari Raya Haji
9 Aug 2024 Friday National Day
31 Oct 2024 Thursday Deepavali
25 Dec 2024 Wednesday Christmas Day

Source: MOM

With that out of the way, here’s how to take six days of leave to get 24 days off work.

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Singapore Holiday 2024 Jan: New Year’s Day 2024 (Singapore) [Over]

Next year, New Year’s Day falls on Monday, 1 Jan 2024.

2024 is off to a good start as you get a long weekend because of this.

Two Days Off Using One Day of Leave in 2024

So let’s expand it further:

  • Saturday (30 Dec 2022): Weekend
  • Sunday (31 Dec 2022): Weekend
  • Monday (1 Jan 2024): New Year’s Day
  • Tuesday (2 Jan 2024): Take leave.

Note: Although you get a long weekend, we will not cover last year’s days in this article as it is for 2024.

Probably a good time to work on your New Year’s resolutions!

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Feb 2024 Singapore Public Holiday: Chinese New Year 2024 (Singapore) [Over]

In 2024, Chinese New Year will fall on Saturday, 10 Feb 2024 and Sunday, 11 Feb 2024.

This means that Monday, 12 Feb 2024, will be a public holiday.

So… it feels like the public holiday is kinda wasted because the first day of Chinese New Year falls on the weekend.

I mean, you can’t expand it into a long weekend or anything…


Source: NBC | Giphy

In accordance with the Employment Act, if a public holiday falls on a non-working day.

You are entitled to another day off OR one extra day’s salary in lieu of the public holiday at the gross pay rate.

For example, if you’re on a five-day workweek.

Saturday should be considered your non-working day.

For a public holiday that falls on a Saturday, you SHOULD get either a day off or salary in lieu.

Five Days Off Using One Day of Leave

To maximise this, here is what you might want to do:

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Public Holiday 2024 March: Good Friday 2024 (Singapore) [Over]

In 2024, Good Friday will be happening on Friday, 29 Mar 2024.

Thank the Lord because it will be a long weekend.

Four Days Off Using One Day of Leave

To maximise this, here is what you need to do:

  • Friday (29 Mar 2024): Good Friday
  • Saturday (30 Mar 2024): Weekend
  • Sunday (31 Mar 2024): Weekend
  • Monday (1 Apr 2024): Take Leave.

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Singapore Apr 2024 Holidays: Hari Raya Puasa 2024 (Singapore) [Over]

In 2024, Hari Raya Puasa will fall on Wednesday, 10 Apr 2024.

No Long Weekend

Sadly, this time, there is no long weekend as Hari Raya Puasa falls on Wednesday, right in the middle of the week.

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Singapore May 2024 Holidays: Labour Day 2024 [Over]

In 2024, Labour Day will fall on Wednesday, 1 May 2024.

No Long Weekend

As a worker, I feel aggrieved as there won’t be a long weekend as Labour Day falls on a Wednesday.

Source: Giphy

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Singapore May 2024 Holidays: Vesak Day 2024 (Singapore)

Talk about a triple whammy.

In 2024, Vesak Day will fall on Wednesday, 22 May 2024.

No Long Weekend

So sadly, no long weekend again.

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Singapore Jun 2024 Holidays: Hari Raya Haji 2024 (Singapore)

Good news. In 2024, Hari Raya Haji will fall on Monday, 17 Jun 2024.

Four Days Off Use One Day of Leave

To maximise this, here is what you need to do:

  • Saturday (15 Jun 2024): Weekend
  • Sunday (16 Jun 2024): Weekend.
  • Monday (17 Jun 2024): Hari Raya Haji
  • Tuesday (18 Jun 2024): Take Leave.

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Singapore Aug 2024 Holidays: National Day 2024 Singapore

In 2024, National Day will fall on Friday, 9 Aug 2024.

Four Days Off Using One Day of Leave

Here’s what you need to do to maximise it:

  • Friday (9 Aug 2024): National Day
  • Saturday (10 Aug 2024): Weekend
  • Sunday (11 Aug 2024): Weekend
  • Monday (12 Aug 2024): Take Leave.

Mahjulah Singapura!

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Singapore Oct 2024 Holidays: Deepavali 2024 Singapore

In 2024, Deepavali will be happening on Thursday, 31 Oct 2024.

Four Days Off Using One Day of Leave

Here’s what you got to do for a long weekend to celebrate the Festival of Lights:

  • Thursday (31 Oct 2024): Deepavali
  • Friday (1 Nov 2024): Take leave
  • Saturday (2 Nov 2024): Weekend
  • Sunday (3 Nov 2024): Weekend.

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Singapore Dec 2024 Holidays: Christmas Day 2024 Singapore

In 2024, Christmas Day will be happening on Wednesday, 25 Dec 2024, in Singapore.

No Long Weekend

There won’t be a long weekend since Christmas will happen on a Wednesday.

Bah, humbug.

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About Joel Koh
History student turned writer at Seedly. Before you ask, not a teacher. I hope to help people make better financial decisions and not let money control them.
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