facebookWhere should I start off to learn about investing? I've read some articles and somewhat know about the options but not sure where to start? - Seedly


13 Apr 2020


Where should I start off to learn about investing? I've read some articles and somewhat know about the options but not sure where to start?

I'm a 19 year old student currently studying full time with an allowance of $300 a month. I save up at least $100 a month and currently have about $4k in savings that I would like to start investing with, considering how many people suggest starting young. Where should I start to learn about investments? I'm also using the SCB Jumpstart account so I believe I'm quite set for the savings part, but do advise me if I'm wrong. Thank you!

SeedlyTV S2E02

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Discussion (2)

Not sure if there is an investment club in your school. You could check. Sometimes it’s good to have a network to catch up with people of common interest. Otherwise Seedly is a good start with the articles.

It is also good to find out more about your risk appetite so that you can identify investments that align with your risk appetite.

With regards to investing your savings right now, I suggest that you accumulate more before you do that as the current economic outlook is uncertain.

Understand your risk profile first and think about what the investments are for. Have a timeline and include major expenses/milestones so that you have a view.

Before investing, always make sure you have enough emergency funds (6 months' worth of expenditure).

With a small capital, there's a limit on what you can do. My advise is to save prudently until you have at least 10k or more to invest (excluding emergency funds). Meanwhile, you can read up from various blogs or books. Since the library is closed, you can use the NLB app.

For a 19yo, the best investment would be youself. Take the time to learn useful skills and make the best use of time in school. Unless you want to be an entreprenueur, academic qualifications still quite important to secure a high paying job.

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