facebookWhat would be a recommended course for me to go to in the Business Intelligence area? - Seedly


18 Dec 2019



What would be a recommended course for me to go to in the Business Intelligence area?

I'm looking to go for a course in the Business Intelligence area, focusing on efficiently handling data with powerful dashboards (excel, Power BI, access) with business strategy. Any recommendations?

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Cedric Jamie Soh

18 Dec 2019

Director at Seniorcare.com.sg

Another suggest is to look for companies that are looking for staff in this area and applying for it to work for them, you get real life experience which may be better than academic experience.

Its not easy to find these companies willing to accept you but some departments are short handed and don't mind inexperienced staff to train them up.

This is a good win-win for all.

I personally has hired people with no experience, offer them a lower pay and train them up and continually increase their salary as they get better

I usually prefer courses with the universities in Singapore, just because it's more recognised and have a more solid foundation backing their courses

You can try this course by NUS:

It seems interesting and can be covered using skills futures. Other courses that you can consider include specific software one (e.g. Tableau) or general ones on platforms like udemy.

You could check out the University of Colarado's free course for starters https://www.coursera.org/learn/business-intelli...

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Hi Anon,

For online courses, you can check out Udemy, i think some of the courses that require you...

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