facebookHow to learn investments from ground 0 and what can I start with? - Seedly


25 Feb 2021


General Investing

How to learn investments from ground 0 and what can I start with?

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23 Feb 2021

Noob at Idiots Invest

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Warren Buffett recommends index investing for beginners who know absolutely nothing because it's diversified and passive.

You can also invest via digital advisors aka robo-advisors; they're also diversified and passive - great for beginners who have little experience.

These are both good places to start, although you will have to read up and understand why you're choosing them.

Once you start investing, channel your free time and energy towards reading, so that you better understand investment and form steady convictions concerning it. Starting broad gives you general investment principles/frameworks, narrowing down helps you get into the details of a specific investment.

In the meantime, continue passively investing while you build your knowledge. When you're ready, you can look to add further elements to your portfolio.

I am a beginner myself, and I designed this IG page to document what I learnt but also to serve as a guide for other beginners like me. It's pitched at people who're starting from absolute ground zero.​​​

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