facebookHow do you achieve work life balance? Been working from home and the line between work and home seems blurred. I find myself constantly thinking about work and stressing myself out. Any suggestions? - Seedly



15 Aug 2020


How do you achieve work life balance? Been working from home and the line between work and home seems blurred. I find myself constantly thinking about work and stressing myself out. Any suggestions?

I try to exercise after work to destress, but I just feel so drained sometimes that I don't even have the energy to hang out with my family even :(

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Jus rem that you are disposable at work, and try to disengage


11 Apr 2024

Blogger at diaperfinancingfund.blogspot.com

Just remember that your work is just a way to get income. dont have to invest too much self-worth into it. Just be clear about the tasks that you die-die must fulfill every day. Once you finish these tasks, your mind will be freer of clutter

Hey there!

I think work life balance has to start mentally first. I know what it's like for me when...

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