facebookWould like to know how many of you would choose a high salary but long working hrs or avg salary, no need to bring work home and end work on time. - Seedly



29 May 2023


Would like to know how many of you would choose a high salary but long working hrs or avg salary, no need to bring work home and end work on time.

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It depends on how much and how long mental load i can handle without breakdown

I probably will be tempted to take up. but if I will not do it for long term as I know it will not only affect my health but also my personal relationship with my family and friends in the long term.

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High salary as in million dollars yearly?

If salary was million dollars yearly, the job cfm high level one, no need to hands on, use only eyes and mouth power, people do the job for you.

What is long working hrs compared to minion dollars yearly salary?

If I'm below 32, no kids etc - will piah and choose long work hours with max $

After 32, want to relax a bit and just be content with average salary with good work life balance

Initial stage of life would choose high salary and long work hours. 2 things to achieve. 1 able to s...

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