facebookWhy are BMW drivers such jerks? - Seedly


Edited 23 Sep 2021



Why are BMW drivers such jerks?

Yes it's a sweeping statement and a steoreotype, but wah seriously, cutting in and out of lanes, not letting pedestrians cross in peace when it's green. Is it after you achieve a certain financial status then can be so obnoxious on the road?!? I even did a quick google search and I'm not the only one... Agree? Disagree?


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Whatever the type of car, there are good drivers and bad drivers. There is no reason why all the expensive car drivers are bad drivers and all the cheap car drivers are good drivers. Reason it out yourself, where is the logic. and indeed that is not true. I have seen bad drivers driving all type of cars, but if I were to fault, I will only fault that driver, not his type of car. Let's grow up.

Yeap Ming Feng

24 Sep 2021

Head of Seedly at Seedly

First and foremost, based on my experience driving every weekend, I tend to feel that those driving expensive cars are the bad drivers.


Without going full-on stereotype on this topic, allow me to give a deeper perspective on this.


Understand a few things,

  • There are lesser "expensive" cars vs cheaper cars on the road
  • "Expensive" cars are built to attract slightly more attention due to the status annotation associated with them. People pay good money to enjoy that social status.

With that, if someone cuts you rudely on your driving lane, the first thing you noticed will be the brand of the car.


Should the rude driver be driving a Toyota, which is rather common on the road, it attracts lesser of your attention simply because you have seen it far too often.


Due to the lesser amount of expensive cars on the road, should you notice one, it strikes a different chord in your head and you tend to remember it more.


This can then, lead to you thinking that Merc drivers or BMW drivers are bad drivers, simply because they are the minority on the road. It is easier for us to put a blanket statement like this.


Try labelling all Toyota drivers as bad drivers. You be looking at close to 40% of the drivers?

With all due respect, how is directly or even indirectly this related to personal finance?...

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