facebookWhich is the simpler miles card: UOB PPV or HSBC Revolution? - Seedly



28 May 2023

Credit Cards

Which is the simpler miles card: UOB PPV or HSBC Revolution?

I am choosing between these 2 cards for my personal spending card.

(My wife and I have the Citi Rewards/Amaze & DBS WW card for joint expenditure, which we prefer to keep separate from personal spending. This works for us for tracking purposes.)

Personally, I already have a DBS Altitude, as a general spending card. I'm looking for a specialised spending card and am ok with foregoing some miles in view of simplicity.

My thought process:

UOB PPV: $5 earning blocks and UOB$ merchants are cons; I use 7-11 and Giant quite a fair bit, and often have smaller purchases

HSBC Revolution: wide range of covered categories for contactless but I'm guessing no bonus points for the miscellaneous spending like...stationery/dentist/etc.

Are there other factors I should think about, like customer service?

Which of the cards would you suggest given what I've shared? Thank you!

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29 May 2023

Founder at thefrugalstudent.com

From what you've shared, HSBC Revolution might be better. You won't have to worry about giant/7-11 purchases, and you can have a workaround for miscellaneous spending - Citi Rewards + amaze is almost like a UOB PPV card.

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