facebookWhich is a better option? Invest in ETF or SSB? Newbie here. 21 years old still studying but working full time. Would really want to start "investing"? - Seedly



26 Feb 2020

General Investing

Which is a better option? Invest in ETF or SSB? Newbie here. 21 years old still studying but working full time. Would really want to start "investing"?

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Depends on your risk profile... if you have enough, why not split into 2 - 50%/50%

You are still very young, so i would suggest etf as there is more room for growth. For ssb the interest is fixed.

Jason Sing

26 Feb 2020

School Of Hard Knocks And Life at School Of Hard Knocks And Life

It really depends depends on your risk profile. If you are very conservative and not willing to take any risk, SSB will be a better option since you can always take your money back with no capital loss. However, if you are a risk taker, willing to take some risk and to learn more about investing, ETF will be a better option. As the saying goes, higher risks higher returns. The returns from ETF will be better compared to the returns from SSB.

For me I have both ETFs and SSB contributions. My SSB is more like a liquid fixed deposit, whereas ETF is for investment.

If you don't have the time to monitor the ETFs I would rather you go for a more stable option such as SSB. It already gives you the 10 year interest rate upfront before you put your money into it.

However if you really want to start on investments, looking into the prices, managing more risk, then ETF.

This is all individual.

For me SP500 ETF (VOO) and Lion-Phillip S-REIT

are superb investments, th...

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