facebookWhich is a better growth stock? FUTU holdings (parent company of Moomoo) or UP holdings (parent company of Tiger Brokers). - Seedly



08 Jul 2021


Which is a better growth stock? FUTU holdings (parent company of Moomoo) or UP holdings (parent company of Tiger Brokers).

Although balance sheet wise, Futu is more promising (i.e higher EPS, higher market cap, higher revenue etc), has bigger customer base, bear in mind Futu is established in 2007 and UP is in 2014 and UP has been experiencing rapid growth in recent years esp during covid times, whereas Futu only recently soared in profits recently despite being in the fin tech industry 7 years ahead of UP.

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Tan Kel Vin

11 Jul 2021

Financial YouTuber at Kelvin Learns Investing

As CommonSense investor pointed out, they have no moat. I wouldn't consider investing in them.

CommonSense Investor

09 Jul 2021

Certified Professional at Biotechnology and Gene Therapy Industry

None. No Competitive advantage other than lower pricing which hurts bottom lines. Low Switching Cost from each other. No different than two chicken rice stall selling the same dish side by side.

So much more growth stock options are out there. Please search harder

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