facebookWhere to invest late 20s - Seedly



Where to invest late 20s

I have SGD 300k in liquid cash where is the best place to invest in the current market?

Discussion (22)

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Are you employed, self-employed, or still studying or serving NS?

Do you rely on any part of this money for the foreseeable future short to mid term?

At this point in time the global markets are kind of entering into a very uncertain period with the US presidential election ongoing and the looming Fed rate cuts, so best to spread out your resources into various instruments.

Reits already moved up somewhat, with the looming rate cuts "priced in" probably. But could still possibly go up further when cuts actually happen.

Tech and AI stocks looks shaky with NVDA taking a beating already. But many are waiting by the side for opportunities to buy the dip.

You may want to keep a portion liquid by putting it in high interest deposits without lock-in period so you can pounce when opportunities arise.

Depends on what the money is for. But research shows that lump sum investing might be better than DCA. So I would lump sum into an broad base etf. I am using ibkr as my brokerage now

But in Syfe Equity 100, or maybe Syfe Brokerage.

I think you will be able to get a good relationship manager syfe. Constantly provides me with good service as well as insightful market updates.

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