facebookWhere should I invest with $200 every month? - Seedly


16 Jan 2021


Where should I invest with $200 every month?

Any recommendations on where to invest with $200 every month? Please recommend, thanks!

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16 Jan 2021

Owner and Writer at Tortoisemoney.com

Assuming you're investing for the long run:

For beginners looking for wealth accumulation, I will recommend starting with Index Investing.

Essentially, indexes are a basket of companies used usually to represent the performance of a country's economy or an industry. For SG, we have the STI and the US has the S&P 500. By investing in funds that track these indexes, when the index moves up, our investments move together with it as well. Since markets tend to trend upwards, your investment should too as well in the long run. The S&P 500 has actually returned a whooping 9.8% since the 1920s per annum!

Between SG and overseas, I would definitely recommend a US index or a global index to start. Both have done well historically compared to the STI and are also much more diversified. You can try the following ETFs:

  • CSPX (Irish Domiciled S&P 500 ETF)

  • VOO/IVV (US Domiciled S&P 500 ETF)

  • IWDA/VWRA (Irish Domiciled Global ETF)

  • VEU/VXUS (US Domiciled Global Ex US ETF)

If you're not sure which broker to use, you can check out a comparison I did here! Since your transaction size is small, I would advise a broker like Tiger Broker which has pretty low fees at USD 1.99 per trade.

Hope this helps!

If you'd prefer the US markets, putting it in the S&P 500 ETF. Or else, ARK's ETF are also worth putting into.

Syfe equity100 one of the lowest fees and great growth prospects as equity are upward trend biased...

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