facebookWhen will we see the prices start to bottom in this downturn market? - Seedly


04 Aug 2020

General Investing

When will we see the prices start to bottom in this downturn market?

Any one with experience to see when the market is truly starting to bottom and not just another dead cat bounce? What indicators should we be looking out for?

Discussion (4)

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Hi anon, the thing about the stock market is that no one can predict its direction with 100% accuracy.
There's a camp that feels the current market rise is a dead cat bounce while the other camp thinks the rise will be sustainable.

Instead of splitting our hairs on what the market will do, I think the more sensible approach would be to focus on the long-term. History has shown markets recover after every major crash.

If the valuation of a company we want to invest in makes sense given its future earnings potential, we would be better off over the long run by buying the business, regardless of what the market does. Research has shown that time in the market is more important than timing the market.

Happy investing!

Elijah Lee

21 Apr 2020

Senior Financial Services Manager at Phillip Securities (Jurong East)

Hi anon,

There's really no way of knowing. Instead of sitting around and trying to predict when the bottom arrives, you can instead prepare for it, knowing that if the bottom truly arrives, you will have an action plan (But of course you must act on it), and if it doesn't arrive, execute your investment strategy as per your usual plan.

Frankly, there are too many unknown variables right now for anyone to confidently call the market bottom, so I would instead take this time to think carefully about what are the next steps I wish to take.

Adnan Hussain

21 Apr 2020

Business Administration with Business Analytics at NUS

Due to the current nature of the pandemic, the market is quite volatile. I don't think solely focusi...

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