facebookWhen June 2 comes and Circuit Breaker ends, are you still working from home or would you have to return to the office? I'm not looking forward to it, wondering if I'm the only one feeling so? - Seedly



31 May 2020



When June 2 comes and Circuit Breaker ends, are you still working from home or would you have to return to the office? I'm not looking forward to it, wondering if I'm the only one feeling so?

Think I've been at home for too long and feel lethargic to go back to work. I rather stay at home haha.

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Yes, I will still be working from home. Honestly speaking, I prefer to work in my office because it is easier to communicate with colleagues face to face. Of course, it always depends on the type of work that we do. Working from home has its own benefits - you get to save on transport cost, and more important you get to wake up later! :)


24 May 2020

Blogger at diaperfinancingfund.blogspot.com

Looking forward to going back to office because I just drafted my Will and need two witnesses to sign it with me. Gonna β€œarrow” two colleagues:


Hello, I would still be working from home! Pros and cons of working from home, but I feel the pros o...

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