facebookWhen is the "best" time to transfer the amount in OA to SA? Before getting a house or after getting a house? - Seedly



25 Oct 2020


When is the "best" time to transfer the amount in OA to SA? Before getting a house or after getting a house?

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25 Oct 2020

Salaryman at some company

You need to be specific about what "before getting a house" means. Is it before the key collection and beginning of HDB loan?

My key collection is in 2+ years time and I have been transferring amounts higher than $20,000 into my SA. I plan to simply pay the remaining 5% of the downpayment during key collection and the remaining balance will be covered by the HDB loan. I am aware of the additional monthly payments, compared to allowing HDB to deduct my CPF OA if I had not transferred any to SA.

On the other hand, if you want to pay off your mortgage loan early with your CPF, you can transfer surplus OA to SA afterwards, especially if you don't plan on using OA for anything else anymore.

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