facebookWhat would you do with SGD$20,000 unrealized profits earned from stock market in 1 month? Sell or hold? - Seedly



24 Feb 2020



What would you do with SGD$20,000 unrealized profits earned from stock market in 1 month? Sell or hold?

What is the best course of action in this scenario? What are the pros and cons of each scenario?

Discussion (3)

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Joe Lee

24 Feb 2020

Adventurer at Game of Life

I think a fair question to ask is, if you take out the profit & capital, where else will the money go that will have more potential that your current stock holdings. Once you have your investment thesis/strategy, the decisions should be clear.

Based on the buy low sell high theory, I would consider to sell 50% of the holding. The realized profit I will put into dividend generating equities, like REITS.​​​

Pang Zhe Liang

24 Feb 2020

Lead of Research & Solutions at Havend Pte Ltd

Go back to your investment objective to reflect upon why you bought the stock in the first place.


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