facebookWhat's your take on a fee-based financial planning advisory in Singapore landscape? - Seedly

Stanley Soo, CFP®, ChFC®/S

Manager at Chubb Singapore

06 Jun 2021


What's your take on a fee-based financial planning advisory in Singapore landscape?

Discussion (1)

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Kylie Ng Kai Li

06 Jun 2021

Senior Premier Consultant at AIA Insurance Pte Ltd

Had a discussion on this question with my friends before quite awhile back.

And from their POV, who are customers, depending on the fees, most mentioned that they wouldn't want to pay for fee based financial planning because there are so already so many financial advisors out there, and they could just consult a few different consultants before making a decision.

But from my POV, it really depends on what the fee based financial planning offers and includes, how to distinguish themselves such that people would pay for the session?

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