facebookWhat's the wedding banquet price at Singapore island country club? - Seedly



22 Aug 2023



What's the wedding banquet price at Singapore island country club?

Attending a weekend dinner banquet next month there - would like to know what's the rough cost so I know how much to offer πŸ™‚


Constructive comments with numbers only πŸ™‚

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I think at least around 200 with the current inflated prices.

I see the relationship instead of venue

  • Normal friend $150
  • Good friend $200-250
  • If i become very calculative, i will just reject the invitation. Because we are not that close.


  • Once in awhile event is not something we cant afford, just budget abit squeezing out $200 should not be a problem.
View 2 replies


22 Aug 2023

Development & Acquisitions Manager at Real Estate Private Equity

Can't seem to find Singapore Island Country Club listed online: https://singaporebrides.com/wedding-...

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