facebookWhat's the minimum you can invest with SRS and do all financial service providers that allow the use of SRS charge a %? What can I invest in? - Seedly



31 Aug 2021


General Investing

What's the minimum you can invest with SRS and do all financial service providers that allow the use of SRS charge a %? What can I invest in?

I'm in my early 30s and thinking about putting some money in SRS. I'm not sure how to go about it. Every time I look up, I end up back on the IRAS website (not really useful from an investment perspective)

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Elijah Lee

11 Sep 2021

Senior Financial Services Manager at Phillip Securities (Jurong East)

Hi Anon,


There isn't a 'minimum' per se, depends on what you invest in. Charges for investment in various financial assets depends on the asset itself. For example, SRS can be used for (along with the additional charges as stated):

  • Single Premium Retirement Policies
  • Unit Trusts (you may have to pay a sales charge/platform fee/etc depending on who you go through)
  • SG listed stocks/REITS/ETFs (you will have to pay brokerage related fees)
  • SG Listed bonds (same as above)
  • SSB ($2 application fee)

Just don't leave it in the bank doing nothing.


There is no right or wrong answer as to what to deploy your SRS monies in. So I would say that you should take some time to understand all asset classes and what their pros and cons are, before you dive in. Remember that SRS monies are meant for retirement, so you should plan with that in mind.


If it were me, I'd invest in slightly safer instruments. SRS, along with CPF, will form the backbone of my retirement and I'd like just a little more certainity with what I'm going to get.


You may want to speak to someone who's already actively utilizing SRS to understand further.

You can deposit up to 15.3k a year into SRS account after which the minimum depends on the financial product. There’s a range of financial products you can use such as insurance plans, robo or DIY stock picking on a SRS approved broker.

Note that using SRS for tax relief is more beneficial once your chargeable income crosses the 80k tax bracket limit.

Alternatively you can consider CPF topup up to 7k into SA.

Tan Choong Hwee

31 Aug 2021

Investor/Trader at Home

You may want to read Dollars and Sense article on SRS investment:


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